Shady Lane Walk from Riverside Campsite
This easy Shady Lane walk makes for a pleasant stroll through fields, farm track and village of Cononley. About a mile long it might take half an hour – unless you sit a while to enjoy the scenery or get chatting to other walkers!
As with any walk in the countryside the way could be wet and muddy, especially after rain. So be sure to wear suitable footwear.
From Riverside Campsite reception make your way to the Tenting Field and head for the gate at the bottom left corner of the field.
Go through the gate and turn left into the footpath.
Follow the footpath and through the gate into the large field
Cross the large field following the, possibly faint, footpath diagonally to the far corner where there is a gate and stile
Go over the stile and turn left into the short track to Shady Lane. Turn left into Shady Lane to continue your walk. It is worth noting that Shady Lane frequently has running water due to the stream overflowing.
Shady Lane crosses the Leeds to Skipton main line which has frequent trains – so please be extra vigilant if you have children or dogs with you.
Cross the line using the stiles or gates. Be sure to close the gates after using them.
Though the line appears quiet in these photos it is very busy in both directions with electric passenger trains and very heavy bulk carriers.
Please take great care when crossing
After safely crossing the railway lines continue along Shady Lane
Take Skipton Road into Cononley. Then turn left into Main Street. Mill House is the first building on the right and then the Institute building with its distinctive clock tower. Notice the topiary in the garden between.
Interesting buildings come into view round every corner.
Walking down Main Street you may pass the New Inn on the left (or maybe call in for refreshment). Further down is Cononley Village Store just over the bridge on the right of Main Street
Turn left into Moorfoot Lane, over the railway bridge and left back to Riverside Campsite.
Congratulations on completing the Shady Lane Walk
Instead of turning into Moorfoot Lane you may like to continue down the main road to find the Railway Inn on the left before the Cononley Railway Station